Thursday, July 8, 2010

Im completely perceived as someone else!

Yesturday evening, I got yet another comment from someone "I would have never guessed that about you" It kind of made me think, if people are judge my book by its cover, what is my cover???

Some people would never believe by my appearance that I am a total tomboy. When I was a kid, I played with GI Joe's, Transformers and Hot Wheels. When I was in middle school I wore Jnco's and had purple hair and never wore makeup. In my early years of high school, I was a total punk changing my hair color every month and looking like an idiot. But I loved it at the time!

I was always in love with sports. In high school, I almost tried out for the football team because I could throw a perfect spiral long distance. Besides that fact that the coach was a total sexist pig and I wanted to prove a point.

I have spent most of my life with 90% male friends. I have my select few of female friends and the majority of them I have been friends with since childhood. The understand me and support me for the inner tomboy that I am.

As I got older, I realized that its OK to still be feminine and be a tomboy at the same time. It works for me. I have actually gotten really into fashion and I am pretty good at putting some awesome outfits together. So it always surprises people when they learn how tomboy-ish I am.

The lifetime lesson here is, you should never judge a book by its cover. People can surprise you!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I'm not a nerd, I'm technically challenged

Ok, I have to admit, a few years back I wasn't about to give in to facebook let alone Twitter.
I joined facebook and was temporarily sucked in until I realized how many privacy issues there were. Plus all the people " poking" me all of the time. It was all really annoying. I have never been a person to follow. I like to lead!

I joined Twitter and didn't really do anything with it for months. I then attended the YoPros Squartables event through the Minneapolis Association of Realtors. I met Nobu Hata and he completly opened my eyes. I didn't get what Twitter and other social media sites were all about. It all sank in that day.

Now I'm addicted. I feel slightly tense if I can't tweet or see what others are tweeting about

Today, I have come to realize that I'm still not as nerdy as the tweeps I follow and I'm sure all of my followers get annoyed by all my frequent misspells. But my IQ is 150 and sometimes my thoughts go around in circles. I can't help myself. Love me or hate me, I'm here forever! Regardless of how un-nerdy I may be'

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

When I grow up....

When I was a child, my dream was to be the first female president of the USA. It still a goal but the chances of me running for office are slim. As I have gotten older, I have realized that my privacy means a lot to me. Being in public office would bring all of the family drama out for everyone to see.

Later in life, I wanted to be a dancer. I thought this was it for me. But after several years of traveling and competing, I could no longer afford it. So I quit. But every once in a while, I shake my booty a little bit. It makes me feel better.

In high school, I thought I wanted to be a chiropractor. But then after researching it a bit, I found out that they were not MD's. So there went that idea.

After college, I ended up in real estate. Never even dreamed that this was something I would ever do. But I fell in love with it.

Now, here I am, 10 years later (wow, I have been in real estate for 10 years). Looking back, I cant even imagine being in the fields above. I am home. I will always be apart of real estate in some way, shape or form.